Do you want to live the best life you possibly can free from limiting beliefs and fears?
Do you want to stop playing out the same old patterns and free yourself to live the life
that you want?
Do you want to understand WHY you do what you do, why you feel how you feel,
and really change your subconscious programs to make your life better?
Then you're in the right place.
We are passionate about connecting you with your greater self and the full capacity of your consciousness; about teaching you how to connect your conscious mind to your subconscious to switch off your limiting beliefs, programme empowering ones and create the life that you want.
We offer online courses, face-to-face workshops, and kinesiology counselling in Cairns using our unique kinesiology technique The Belief Switch. Therapy sessions with Amy are available in person at our clinic in Brinsmead, Cairns or via phone or Zoom. Amy and Michael also run The Belief Switch training program regularly, and we have an online guided meditation course The Soul Adventure that you can start any time. We look forward to meeting you soon.

Make an Appointment

Appointments with Amy are available in person at our clinic in Brinsmead or via Zoom, phone or FaceTime. For more information about sessions with Amy click the button:
Amy's clinic days are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

Join Amy and Michael and learn
The Belief Switch
Many people talk about subconscious limiting beliefs, and that's important because your subconscious autopilot runs your life.
But talking about it doesn't change it.
Amy and Michael can teach you how to identify YOUR specific limiting beliefs AND more importantly CHANGE THEM.
The only way to change your limiting beliefs is to change your subconscious. The Belief Switch is the only program we believe truly and effectively teaches you how to identify your limiting beliefs and switch them for empowering beliefs, giving you the power to reprogram your life. Join us as we teach you how, using kinesiology muscle testing, breathwork and eye movement.
Course Details
We begin with a two day event on a weekend
a 12 week immersive, online program
including live, weekly, group Zoom calls with Amy & Michael.
Next dates TBA
'Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate'
- C.G. Jung
Online Guided Meditation Course
The Soul Adventure is a 12 part online guided meditation course. Each meditation also has a lesson recorded by Amy and Michael to accompany it available as an audio file and a PDF. You can start it any time (including right now) and have lifetime access to all the meditations and lessons. They are accessible from any device by logging into your online profile, or you can download the meditations to listen to when you're offline.
FREE PREVIEW also available.
Click the button below to begin your adventure:

Life's greatest adventure
is to discover your true self
and what you are deeply capable of
Now is your time

I've been working with Michael & Amy for several years both in individual clinic sessions and through completing their various courses including their meditation course (which I did twice in a row because I loved it so much), the muscle testing course and The Belief Switch course. The thing that I really love about working with Amy and Michael is that it's not about relying on them to heal me, it’s about them guiding me and teaching me to heal myself. They have given me simple yet powerful tools that I can use anywhere, anytime, and that I plan to be using for as long as I can wiggle a finger to muscle test. This means the healing and growth potential I have in this lifetime are infinite. That is true empowerment.
Since starting this journey I have gone from never being "still" to meditating every single day. I've seen huge improvements to my health, my relationships with friends and family and most importantly my relationship with myself.
To have identified and changed subconscious beliefs like "I am not worthy of love", "I am not whole and complete as I am" and "I deserve to be punished" has been truly life changing (and these are only a few of the hundreds I have found and switched). I cannot express in a couple of sentences the full impact this has had, and continues to have, on my life. I wholeheartedly recommend everyone do these courses, or see Michael or Amy, and identify and change your limiting beliefs because this is where change really happens.
I will forever hold so much gratitude in my heart to Michael and Amy for getting me started on this path, being my guiding light when I needed it and helping me see how powerful and amazing I truly am. - Kellie Kennett

Working with Amy and Michael through The Belief Switch has been an absolute gift! This course and working in clinic with you has given me phenomenal insight into the beliefs I have been running my life on, as well as provide me with tools to change what isn't working for me. It is such a simple and easy process to do too. The Belief Switch is an amazing adventure in exploring the self and creating the life you've always wanted to live. The world would be a much better place if everyone had this in their tool box! One year on and I'm still using The Belief Switch regularly. Life was stagnant and stuck before and now I'm loving my life, being true to myself and life is finally turning out the way I want. Thank you for everything Amy and Michael. The Belief Switch has really got me moving and shaking. Now is the time!
- Kate Maconachie

I wish I was a better writer to express fully what I have learnt and the transformation I've been through working with Michael and Amy. Each is unique in their skill and The Belief Switch workshop was truly a revelation. Now I just want to shout to the world "Just do it!"
- Pascale Gerson
Together Amy & Michael create the perfect team. They have both opened my eyes & my heart to a whole new journey. It began with kinesiology sessions with Amy. I can't tell you how many times I've left Amy's presence feeling more than calm, as if a literal weight has been removed from me. Michael took me through my first ever past life regression, once again my mind was opened to the endless possibilities and potential for this life here on earth! But together, Amy & Michael create magic. The Soul Adventure followed by The Belief Switch have been the missing link for me in life. Together they have combined their knowledge to share and I can't thank them enough.
- Kate Hearne

Michael and Amy are both warm and friendly and they teach something from their own personal experiences and it works. They are both passionate about what they teach and they do it very well.
- Michael Alba

Our clinic is located at
1 Matheson Drive, Brinsmead,
(On the corner of Duane Close)
10-15 mins from the centre of Cairns, Far North Queensland, Australia.